Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pink Floyd

I went and saw Australian Pink Floyd last night at the Fillmore. Cranky old farts in the crowd, but amazing sounds, visuals, and probably some contact high. They were impressive. They sounded just like them. Very precise and tight, with no distracting personality or costumes or even much facial expression. They were strictly a cover band doing Pink Floyd the best way possible. It's the closest to the real thing I will probably ever get to. Makes me appreciate my pops, sitting me down and playing records from his day, explaining to me the culture and movement of that generation. I really credit him for my perspective on how music has evolved through the ages. Check out this documentary on the group.

pink floyd from lee grant on Vimeo.

Goodbye Blue Sky from The Wall is one of my favorites by Floyd. The transition from minor to major, haunting to uplifting, dark reality to light dream, I'm so into it.

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