I was absolutely blown away. The level of camera work is more than I can put into words especially considering my lack of expertise. Not to mention the insane backcountry extreme skiing. But it's a beautiful series to watch and marvel at, thanks for sharing Jameson ;). My favorite is the shot of the birds in La Grave. I recommend watching to a favorite song.
Interesting video by Jared Mezzocchi for Kotchy jam Sometimes I Get Down. The guitar lick through out adds a great touch. and then the piano riff coming in and out, with whispering rhymes spit over a slow, yet dynamic beat. It's a unique, chill, dark, sick jam.
I missed listening to them, thanks to a friend who recently was affected by them. They make beauty. All that comes to mind with Electrelane is that it is meant purely for enjoyment.
Tha Boogie, a band I just discovered from Rancho CucaMonga, CA provide a nice alternative to the main stream R&B. They sound like a mix of Outkast, Janelle Monae, and Mos Def. Check them out.
This is all occurring in my neighborhood. It's funny to think of all the different ways people are celebrating right now, as I am back in bed up on Potrero looking down on this vibrant, chaotic, pulsating city. Wow, I hear gunshots now, no wait, just more fireworks. Don't quite understand the tearing up the city way of celebrating, but it's all good. There's an exciting energy in the air here.
Great time to be in San Francisco. .... Hopefully L.A. next year.