Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This is fun. Good for me, a little escape from my hectic life. Thanks for the sweet and encouraging responses. It helps, it's pointless really unless others enjoy. So comment, let me know what you are liking. I love sharing, this is fun for me.

With that said, I'm hitting up the Fillmore tonight, to see Local Natives, check out myspace page too . I'm prepared to rock out with a surrounding of plaid, but it's all good. This band is hot, oh and they got some decent songs as well. Check out their video "airplanes". They're playing with Union Line  and The Love Language.

Local Natives from High/Low Film on Vimeo.

THE UNION LINE @ Spaceland, LA from TIGER TIGER on Vimeo.

The Love Language - Lalita - SXSW 2010 from DUKE STREET on Vimeo.

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